Praying in the clouds…


The Singapore based firm, Crescent Ratings, launched their beta version of their air travel prayer calculator earlier this month. The online tool takes data such as prayer times in the country of origin, the destination city and in countries on the flight path and uses an algorithm to plot exact prayer hours during a flight.

This gadget is pretty cool, super useful and innovative to ensure Muslims manage to pray on time 30’000 ft up in the air. This always poses a challenge when you’ve just taken off and suddenly the sun is setting a couple of hours into your flight. It messes with your head a little, because you have a set routine and are generally comfortable with that. The algorithm may not be minute perfect, but it’s an impressive step towards solving a dilemma few have even thought of addressing.

To my knowledge only Saudi Arabian Airlines offer a small space at the back of the plane for praying. You can see why as so few planes actually have enough space in the cabin to accommodate the cattle it’s ferrying, so most of the time Muslims have to settle for praying sitting in their chair. It would be nice however for maybe a few more airlines to dedicate a tiny oblong of cabin space, particularly on pilgrimage routes.

So another turn for halal-friendly travel? Lets hope so, and lets hope it’s not another reason for the few ignorant travellers who are scared of even flying with a Muslim on their flight to get the jeepers. “Oh my, what is he doing nodding his head like that every few seconds?!?”  We can see it now cant we? Thankfully the majority of people are cool enough to realise it’s all kosher…well halal.





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